Sharing Best Practices for Educational Excellence: A Way to Transform Mindset and Pedagogy

Sharing Best Practices for Educational Excellence: A Way to Transform Mindset and Pedagogy


A remarkable transformation is unfolding in the education sector in a remote district of Nepal, Kalikot,  through  untiring efforts of its municipalities. During a recent educational trip to Kalikot, I had the opportunity to observe immediate efforts of the municipalities to improve education and create a better future for the children. Along the treacherous Karnali Highway on our way to Kalikot, we were reminded of the persistent challenges confronting this region. Potholes, dust, and occasional mudslides made the drive challenging, but the resilience of the local communities shone through. A district-level comprehensive education conference was the focal point of the trip. Over 200 individuals representing various stakeholders, including politicians, educators, members of civil society, and media personnel, attended the conference, which demonstrated a unified commitment to enhancing education in the region.

The educational scenery of Kalikot is diverse, with 346 schools of various  categories such as ( Grade 1-5: 179; Grade 1-8: 129; Grade 1-10: 78; Grade 11 and 12: 41 ). In addition, 345 Elementary child development centers (ECDs) foster early childhood education. Kalikot has three technical education institutions and eight schools affiliated with the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTEVT). In addition, there are 11 private Boarding schools in the district and three colleges that offer higher education, providing the local population with a variety of educational opportunities. The conference began with presentations highlighting the extraordinary educational initiatives undertaken by the municipalities of Kalikot. These practices demonstrated the region's commitment to inclusive, high-quality education for all students.

While sharing the best practices, Shubkalika Rural Municipality highlighted the provision of sanitary napkins to females by vending machines, the enrollment of out-of-school students, and support for children with disabilities implementing home schooling. Moreover, the rural municipality has been implementing Hello Awiwawak program Raskot Municipality emphasized the hiring of volunteer teachers, the expansion of examination centers, and the incorporation of contemporary technology in classrooms.  Moreover, they have implemented local curriculum as per the guideline of the curriculum. Sanni Triveni highlighted their accomplishments, such as the establishment of child development centers and the recruitment of volunteer instructors to address teacher shortages. By emphasizing community-based literacy programs and stakeholder engagement, Pachaljharna Rural Municipality reported that they have implemented local curriculum and developing efforts to improve quality education around the municipality. Mahavai Rural Municipality provided scholarships for medical studies, promoted parental involvement, and effectively encouraged students to transition from private to public institutions, resulting in the municipality's designation as 'literate.' The Khadachakra Municipality highlighted the training of teachers in psychosocial counseling and the formation of village education committees. Palanta Rural Municipality demonstrated its dedication to quality education by implementing rigorous procedures for selecting school principals, establishing libraries, and helping disadvantaged and marginalized children. Narharinath introduced innovative educational methods and initiatives for menstrual hygiene. The municipality of Tilagufa revealed its efforts to aid disabled children and students at risk by providing educational materials and income-generating activities.

Despite these commendable efforts, the political intrusion into the education system remains a challenge. In some regions, an exam-focused mentality, reminiscent of the ancient Karnali, persists. Nonetheless, the conference provided a forum for discussion and the exchange of ideas regarding these issues. At the conclusion of the conference, participants reached consensus on 27 implementation commitments. This dedication and enthusiasm demonstrate Kalikot's determination to pave the way for a more prosperous educational future.

Future Perspectives

The municipalities of Kalikot are currently engaged in a transformative educational journey, where they are actively implementing innovative practices and overcoming various challenges along the way. The region's youth can look forward to a promising future due to the unwavering commitment demonstrated by individuals towards ensuring quality and inclusive education. Although there are ongoing challenges, it is important to acknowledge the significant progress that has been made thus far. This progress serves as a testament to the immense impact that collaboration and unwavering dedication can have in the relentless pursuit of achieving excellence. The educational renaissance in Kalikot is currently in progress, and it stands as a shining symbol of optimism for the entire nation. When considering the future, it is truly inspiring to observe the continuous evolution taking place within the education sector of Kalikot. This transformation not only instills optimism within the local communities but also holds promise for the wider region. The unwavering commitment and continual activities showed by the local municipalities serve as a remarkable testament to their dedication towards ensuring the provision of high-quality education and fostering a more promising future for the children of Kalikot. As we engage in thoughtful reflection on the future, it is imperative that we explore into various crucial pathways in order to strengthen and intensify the steps achieved in the education domain of Kalikot.

As a pedagogy specialist, it is of utmost importance to prioritize the continuation and amplification of the effective initiatives that have already demonstrated favorable outcomes. The efficacy of these endeavors, encompassing the provision of sanitary pads to young girls, the recruitment of dedicated volunteer educators, and the incorporation of cutting-edge technology within educational settings, has been well-documented. It is imperative that these initiatives remain at the forefront of our priorities. At the heart of Kalikot's educational achievements lies a steadfast commitment to community engagement. Enhancing the efficacy of community-based programs, actively involving parents in the educational journey, and cultivating a profound sense of ownership among the local populace are fundamental measures to be undertaken. When communities proactively engage in the process of shaping the education of their children, it fosters a collective sense of accountability and dedication towards the achievement of the students. The inclusion of comprehensive teacher training is an additional crucial component for the future. In order to provide a comprehensive educational approach, it is imperative to incorporate not just pedagogical expertise, but also psychosocial counseling and innovative teaching methodologies. By providing teachers in Kalikot with the essential tools and knowledge, we can greatly enhance the quality of education in the region. Maintaining a steadfast commitment to inclusivity is of utmost importance, as it guarantees that every student, irrespective of their individual abilities, is afforded the opportunity to contribute in a high-caliber educational experience. In order to foster an inclusive educational setting, it is imperative to enhance the level of assistance provided to students with disabilities. Additionally, it is crucial to establish a conducive atmosphere wherein each and every child is afforded the chance to flourish and succeed.

The persistent issue at hand pertains to the encroachment of political influence within the education system. Establishing clear guidelines for the selection of school principals is of utmost importance in order to maintain a conducive educational environment. Additionally, it is crucial to safeguard against any form of political interference in school matters, thereby ensuring that the primary goal of education remains at the forefront. The integration of technology into education is a promising avenue for the future. The provision of digital resources and online learning platforms, particularly in geographically isolated regions, has the potential to bridge educational disparities and equip students with the necessary skills to thrive in today's technologically advanced society. It is important to consistently engage in research and evaluation processes in order to effectively measure the impact of educational initiatives. The utilization of a data-driven approach empowers municipalities to enhance their strategies and allocate resources in a more efficient manner. Ensuring the retention of highly skilled (indigenous and global) and knowledgeable educators is of utmost importance in order to maintain a seamless trajectory of educational advancement.

Final Remarks

By exploring into various methodologies, such as implementing incentive programs and facilitating avenues for continuous professional growth, educational institutions can effectively allure and maintain highly skilled educators. The commendable initiative of expanding higher education opportunities in Kalikot is a significant pace towards empowering the youth by equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge required to explore a wider array of career prospects. In order to ensure the enduring feasibility of these educational initiatives, it is authoritative to establish vigorous sustainability measures and effective funding mechanisms. Engaging in collaborative partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international organizations, and the private sector can prove to be instrumental in acquiring supplementary resources and garnering essential support. In order to foster an inclusive and equitable learning environment, it is necessary to incorporate cultural sensitivity into the curriculum. This will enable us to acknowledge and honor the rich cultural and linguistic diversity that exists within the Kalikot community. By doing so, we can ensure that all students feel valued and respected, and that their unique backgrounds are recognized and celebrated. By cultivating an environment that nurtures a stronger sense of identity and engagement, students are provided with a valuable opportunity to develop a deeper connection to their own personal growth and learning journey.

Finally, it is important to cultivate and promote the exchange of knowledge among the municipalities in Kalikot, as well as other regions that are confronted with comparable educational obstacles. In the realm of educational development, the concept of cross-learning and the assimilation of effective practices from diverse domains can serve as a catalyst for progressing development. The pursuit of educational excellence in Kalikot is a collaborative endeavor that shows great potential. By embodying the principles of resilience, dedication, and collaboration, Kalikot's relentless pursuit of educational excellence not only brings immense benefits to its young learners but also serves as a shining example for the wider educational advancement in Nepal. This transformative journey holds the promise of a more promising and just future, wherein education emerges as a powerful force for fostering constructive transformation. 

Assistant Professor, Mid-West University, Nepal [email protected] 

Cultural Semiotics in Nepalese Music: A Linguistic Shift with A Multidimensional Melody

Introduction The Sangitmala Team presents a resonant Nepalese melody in English that resonates with the essence of the homeland. This composition by the talented Prakash Saput, titled "Galbandi Chyatiyo Timile Tanera Bolauna Khojeko Aafnai Thanera," exemplifies the enduring ability of music to bridge geographical distances and elicit a sense of belonging. The melody unfolds as a tapestry of cultural expression and unity, enriched by the voices of gifted performers such as Tika Sanu, Bhawana Budha Magar,  Hima B.K, Dhanmaaya Nepali,   Dil Karki, Prem Dhungana, and Nishant BK. This artistic offering, which debuted on December 5, 2021, garnered an impressive 259,556 views, a testimony to its resonance within the audience's souls presented as part of a live program, the undertaking was facilitated by a skilled team that included hosts Tika Sanu, Kamal Sargam, and Kalpana Dahal, as well as a group of outstanding vocalists. The melody, at its essence, echoes a sentiment that transcends borders and encapsulates the natural grandeur of Nepal's landscape. As the lyrics, "Nepal is a beautiful gift from nature," resound, the melody depicts the essence of the country's breathtaking topography. The refrain, "Unity is diversity is our feature," is a profound reminder of Nepal's cultural wealth, where numerous ethnicities and traditions coexist harmoniously. I examine this musical's geographical, historical, cultural, and socioeconomic dimensions in the following analysis. Through a scholarly prism, I  untangle the nuanced narratives woven into this melodic tapestry, recognizing its strengths and identifying areas where its depiction of Nepal's complexity may merit additional consideration. This attempt allows us to appreciate the song's resonance and potential to encourage a deeper engagement with Nepal's multifaceted identity. Geographical Context Nepal, a landlocked nation between the formidable territories of India and China, displays an entrancing tableau of diverse geographical characteristics. This musical composition aims to capture the nuances of Nepal's geographical tapestry by alluding to elevated forms such as mountains, the meandering grace of rivers, and the undulating grace of hills. However, prudence dictates a cautious approach to ensure Nepal is not reduced to a picturesque backdrop, ministering solely to tourism demands. Consistently emphasizing Nepal as a manifestation of nature's majesty, the song serves as a conduit for global appreciation of its inherent beauty. The strategic use of geographical features such as mountains, rivers, and hills is intended to position Nepal as an alluring tourist destination. While the song effectively introduces the audience to Nepal's natural beauty, it omits the sociopolitical complexities that form the country's identity. Linguistically, the song cleverly incorporates Nepali terminology into its English verses, an indication of linguistic hybridity or a deliberate attempt to increase accessibility to international audiences at the expense of local idiomatic richness. Notably, the omission of Nepal's significant environmental challenges, such as deforestation and the devastating effects of climate change on its glaciers, is a cause for concern. Historical and Cultural Context  The historical tapestry of Nepal, a mosaic of diverse ethnic groups influenced by neighboring civilizations, is rich. The mention of "Bir Gorkhali" inspires nationalistic pride and pays tribute to the valor of Gurkha soldiers. The epithet "Land of Buddha" evokes the sanctity of Lumbini, the location where Siddhartha Gautama was born. Incorporating "Bir Gorkhali" and references to the "land of Buddha" emphasize Nepal's spiritual and historical significance. Indigenous customs such as "Chautari" and traditional cuisine such as "Dhido Gundruk" highlight the nation's cultural diversity. Nonetheless, oversimplification is risky, as the song's emphasis on unified representation may diminish Nepal's intricate cultural tapestry. While sincere in its attempt to capture Nepal's historical essence, the song remains reticent on complex historical narratives, such as a decade-long civil war and ongoing sociopolitical unrest. Folk music and dance are celebrated as traditions and sources of pride, but the cultural group referred to as 'folk' remains ambiguous. The song skillfully incorporates Nepali terms into its English lyrics, balancing global accessibility and preserving Nepal's cultural resonance. The mantra "Unity is diversity is our characteristic" encapsulates the multifaceted cultural heritage of Nepal. Underneath this harmonizing surface, however, an unspoken undercurrent of oversimplification threatens to obscure the vibrant threads of cultural diversity. While the melody acknowledges linguistic and religious diversity, it fails to explore the subtle complexities of these domains. Religious and Philosophical Context  Nepal's religious landscape, an amalgamation of predominantly Hinduism with the coexistence of Buddhism, Islam, and indigenous beliefs, provides the context for expressing "Humanism mission and vision, Ultimate aim of our religion." This selection of terms is intended to emphasize Nepal's history of religious tolerance. However, the historical context of religious conflicts and ongoing struggles for the rights of religious minorities has no place in the song's narrative. Economic Context The terms "cottage industry" and "organic food" indicate that agriculture and small-scale industries dominate Nepal's economy. However, these references fail to consider Nepal's economic complexities, which include pervasive poverty, a sluggish rate of industrialization, and a substantial reliance on remittances. The Exchange of Voices A lively exchange of voices enriches the song's narrative, each offering a unique perspective on Nepal's multifaceted identity. As the youngster exclaims, "Hey, welcome, human beings of the world!" a cordial invitation is extended to embrace the splendor of Nepal's opulent tapestry. This sentiment is complemented by the girl, who emphasizes the natural beauty of Nepal's initial impressions and the captivating allure of its landscapes. The boy's poetic description of Nepal's elements - beaming mountains, streaming rivers, and tranquil waterfalls - vividly depicts the country's natural beauty. The child participates in celebrating the forest melodies and the Lophophorus, Nepal's national bird. The boy's description of the significance of the "Koili chari," a cherished melody, and the "Chirab chirab" reveals the cultural wealth of Nepal. The sound of birdsong emanating from colonies. Both the boy and the girl articulate eloquently Nepal's hospitality and cultural diversity, drawing attention to the hospitable "Chautari" and the variety of greeting traditions. The narrative of Nepal's wealth includes references to local and organic food, the valor of Bir Gorkhali soldiers, and the spiritual significance of Lumbini. The girl proclaims Nepal to be a land of meditation and enlightenment, whereas the boy describes Nepal as a place where civility is a civilizing force. The song's lyrics acknowledge the simplicity and uniqueness of Nepal's way of life. The boy and girl jointly acknowledge Nepal's good fortune and the significance of its music, highlighting the country's allure and diversity. The tapestry of voices culminates in celebrating Nepal's diversity, from its multilingual and multicultural characteristics to its distinct architecture. The melody resonates with the inclusive sentiment of unity and diversity that defines Nepal's identity. Notably, the girl affirms that Nepal's fundamental mission and vision are rooted in humanism, and its ultimate goal is unity, reinforcing the song's central message. Conclusion The song's climax reverberates with a transcendental sentiment that encapsulates the inherent beauty of Nepal's natural landscapes. As the lyrics resound, "Nepal is a beautiful gift from nature," the melody artistically depicts the essence of the country's breathtaking geography. The repeated refrain, "Unity is diversity is our feature," is a poignant reminder of Nepal's cultural diversity, where numerous ethnicities and traditions coexist harmoniously. In an era characterized by the intricate interplay of globalization and cultural interconnectedness, it is undeniable that artistic expression can serve as a mirror reflecting a nation's identity, values, and aspirations. In this context, the present lyrical composition arises as a melodious paean, an artistic endeavor that attempts to capture Nepal's multifaceted essence. This composition ventures on a lyrical journey, traversing the intricate contours of Nepal's geographical beauty, historical valor, cultural treasures, and socioeconomic dynamics. However, a thorough and meticulous analysis is required to reveal the harmonious cadence that reverberates throughout its verses and the latent voids that entreat from within its lyrical canvas. Evident in its content is the depiction of a utopian Nepal, which, while promoting tourism and igniting a spark of nationalistic pride, may disregard the intricate sociopolitical and economic nuances woven into the nation's fabric. As a preliminary platform, the song's artistry may lose the chance to explore the profound complexity that characterizes Nepal's diverse identity.  (A presentation of Nepali Dohari and melody in the English language By Tika Sanu and Team )

Feature story: Health Insurance Programme getting more members gradually

Kalpana Poudel Kathmandu, July 28: Health insurance programme launched by the government one and half years ago has started getting more and more members gradually. In the beginning, people were in confusion about the programme launched with a new concept. The programme, launched with an objective of providing easy and smooth health services to the people, has been expanded to 15 districts and people have started showing interest in the programme. Director of Social Health Security Development Committee, Dr Gunaraj Lohani, said that problem was faced in the beginning to convince the people to become members of the programme. Various queries developed about the programme including process to get treatment service, available treatment service of the type of diseases and whether or not the insurance amount is returned if the policy-holder meets natural death have put the people in dilemma. He said now people have started knowing about the programme once it launched. Dr Lohani said, “It has become a little bit easier to make people aware about the health insurance programme after imparting training to chiefs of service-providing organizations, doctors and pharmacists, among others. The government had launched the programme one and half years ago to provide easy and smooth treatment service to the general people through Social Security Development Committee. The programme launched from Kailali district from April 7, 2016 has now 84,000 policy-owners, according to the Committee. According to the Committee, there will be more than 100,000 insurance policy-owners by the end of the fiscal year 2016/17. The Committee has the record that out of 84,000 insurance policy holders, 24 per cent members or 20,000 policy holders have so far received the treatment service. The programme has been implemented in Kailali, Baglung, Ilam, Kaski, Palpa, Myagdi, Achham, Baitadi, Jumla, Jajarkot, Chitwan, Makawanpur, Bhaktapur, Tanahu and Gorkha districts. All the preparations have been completed to implement the programme in other districts including Mahottari, Bardiya, Surkhet, Jhapa, Parsa, Sindhuli, Solukhumbu, Sunsari, Rautahat and Rolpa, said Social Health Security Development Committee Officer, Jaguram Chaudhary. Palpa and Kaski districts are in forefront to acquire membership of the programme. More than 20,000 people have become members in Palpa while 23,000 in Kaski. Kailali, however, has the highest number of insurance policy holders receiving health treatment service. The insurance programme was initiated from Kailali. Out of 11,686 members in the district so far, 6101 members received the health treatment service. Out of the policy holders, number of woman policy holder is high as compared to men. The programme has been initiated in Bhaktapur, Gorkha, Tanahu, Chitwan, Jumla, Jajarkot and Makawanpur districts from mid-June. People, who have acquired membership in mid-June would get health treatment service from mid-August. The Committee has signed an agreement in order to provide health treatment services to its members only at Bir Hospital, Teaching Hospital, Manmohan Cardiothoracic Vascular and Transplant Centre, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Gangalal Heart Centre, Maternity Hospital, Trauma Centre, Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital, Teku. The highest number of members has received treatment service at Bir Hospital so far. Chief of Social Security Unit of Bir Hospital and focal person of the health insurance programme of Bir Hospital, Tikaram Paneru, said that more than 60 members received the service. People of the districts, where the programme has been implemented, can get membership of the programme for five members after paying Rs 2,500 annually. The family can get treatment service of Rs 50,000 within a year after getting the membership of the programme. There is the arrangement that the family having more than five members can also be members of the programme after paying additional Rs 450 for each member and can get treatment service of Rs 60,000. The membership is only valid for one year. The family should pay the same charge again to get the membership for next year. The health insurance programme provides OPD service, emergency services as well as different health tests and medicines. The member can get health-test, X-ray as well as other services. The health insurance programme does not incorporate plastic surgery, ear-phone and expensive glasses. The members injured in clash after consuming alcohol cannot get treatment service under the programme. Committee Director Lohani said that although the insurance removes possibility of a big disease, the committee does not help the issues mentioned above. He said, “A policy holder has to mention the name of health institutions where he/she wants to undergo check-up in course of filling up the forms of insurance programme. An arrangement has been made to get treatment service at central hospital through health posts, primary health centre, district hospital and regional hospital. Committee officer Rabindra Ghimire said that only the referred and emergency patient can get treatment service at the central hospital. In other hand, it is important to know that the family cannot get insurance amount return back if a member of the family gets natural death. The family members should mention the name of hospitals if they want to get treatment service from different hospitals. The Committee has already sent different medical equipments including x-ray machines, ECG in some districts, where the programme has been implemented, for the same and the medical equipments will be sent in other remaining districts soon, said Chaudhary. RSS (Translated by Avilasha Pokharel)
